EBft The "Princess Pat" — UK Solid White Cold euKmved cm*. Kuar.i n t eed I .V j r» el movement Kacnrad . fBnulWWrUtacrjf fietlble bracelet to nuttcb. 1- ■ ■ :;.ontt) C 4*^50 tB 34 . _ I Richly hand- I engraved I8K Solid White I Gold aulltBlrc nountlnt; fiery, eenulne blue-white dia- mond. S3 a mo. »«Jve rlne of l4K St'' 1 '-In»<' 1° I 1 Guaranteed Savings Dirtet Diamond Importations How to Order — Just send Sl.bOwliu your order and your selection comes to you on 10 Daya' Free Trial. No C.O.D. to pay on arrival. After full examina- tion and free trial, pay balance la 10 eyuel l monthly payments. Satisfaction Guaranteed _ . 10 Days Free Trial Vpu hive the privilege of 10 days free tri- — if not completely satisfied return shipment at our expense and tbe entire deposit will be reiunded. Wriueirsjuar- a ntce bond with every purchase- Ail Paahng« Str.ctly Confidential IBS... Massive. Kent's rltw of UK Solid White. 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Ine diamond* and - ^sapphires. Guaranteed l5-ir»el ment. Pierced flrxHile "WtU bracelet with aappbtres or < match. *3.65a mouth. Naw Catalogue FREE Adults Writ* for It New! Just AHvist Of The Wrist Banishes Old-Style Can Openers to the Scrap Heap and Brings Agents $6 to $8 in an Hour WOMEN universally detest the old-style can opener. Yet in m-ry home in the land cans arc being opened with it. often hvi-i ni tim.-t u ilay. Imagine taw thankfully they welcome thi; new nr [hod— thi>. nuro- msilc way of doing their most dinta-sleful job. With the SpmJo can opening machine- you can jutl put the can in Uk asuhlne, turn thi? handle, and almost instantly the job is done. End This Waste and Danger Too ondoubtcdly know what a nasty, dangerous job it I* la open cans with the old-fanhioned can opener. You have in hack your way along slo wly — ripping a jugged furrow ™, " " around the edge. Nest thing you know-, the can opener slips. Good night '. You've torn a hole in your finger. As liable as not It will get in* fected and May son: a long lime. Perhaps rvvn your life will be endangered from blood poisoning ' You may be lucky enough to get the- ca n open wl t ho ut cutting yourself. Hut there's still the fact to consider that the ragged edge of lin left around the top makes it aJ- most Impossible to pour out all of the food. Yet now. all this trouble, waste and dan- ger is ended. No wonder salesmt-n everywhere are find- ing thin Invention a truly revolutionary money maker! AGENTS! $265 in a Week "ll»ro U my mnrd for bth Hi dsjs with SiMdo: tun* 11. 64 Sprrdrx Jinw jn. n, K|«dn tvm to, Vj2 Hr»-r every house Jn the block and make up to flO an hour. Generous Free Test Offer Frankly, men. I realize that the profit possibilities of this proposition as outlined briefly here may seem almost In- credible to you. So I've worked out a plan by which you ran examine the invention and test its profit without risking one penny. G*t my free test offer whUc the territory you want is still open — I'll hold It- for you while you make the test. I'll send you all the facts about 975 to 1150 a week. I'll also tell you about another fast selling hem that brings you two profits on every call. All you risk Is a 2e stamp — so grab your pencil and shoot mo the coupon right now. CENTRAL STATES MFC. CO., Dept. M-240* 4500 Miry At*. (E»t. over 20 yeon) , St. Louil, Mo. Csir«l Suim Mff. Co., | 4.-.0O M.rr A.., Dipl. M.2404 Si. LouL, Mo. J Yifl. rush m« the fact* and dcttUi of your FREE ! OFFER. A "MillioB Dollar" Can Openinf Machine The Speedo holds the can — OpTLS It — flips up the lid so you ran grab it — and gives 1 Name 1 1 Address j City State □ Chit- k her.- if int. r« -.led only in one for own home. Please mention Newsstand Gnoi'i'— Mk-s's l.i< on answenn; adv ertisemcnls mm (SIS SWIPJEB.= §(§SSSS5(SS On Sale the First Thursday of Each Month ~*. U. CLAYTON, Mlihi BARRY BATES, Editor DR. DOUGLAS M. 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THE INVISIBLE DEATH VICTOR ROUSSEAU With Night-Rays and Darkness-Antidote A m eric a Strikes Back at the Terrific and De- structive Invisible Empire. (A Complete Novelette.) PRISONERS ON THE ELECTRON ROBERT H. LEITFRED Fate Throws Two Young Earthians into Desperate Conflict wi/k Ike Primeval Mon- sters of am Electron's Savage Jungles. J ETTA OF THE LOWLANDS RAY CUMMINGS Into Remote Lowlands, in an Invisible Flyer, Go Grant and Jetta — Prisoners of a Scientific Depth Bandit. (Put Two ol a Three-Pert Novel.) AN EXTRA MAN JACKSON GEE Sealed and Vigilantly Guarded Was "DrayleTs Invention, 1932*— /or // Was a Scientific Ackievemeut Beyond Which Man Dared Not Go. THE READERS' CORNER ALL OF HS A Meeting Place for Readers of Astounding Stories. 118 Sin wrong in Radio. There a grid tuned Radio ■Hataly a lack of trained men." frequency set — „ „ Pjutn A. Nrcnoui. only one of many P.O. Box 207, Eaton, Colo. circuits you can build with the parts I give with- out estra charge. There are opening* almost ive a spare time or full lime Hadto business of your owp — to be your own bom. Radio offers many other opportunities. My book tells you about them. Maw ■ Outfit* ajiva yea KstasialTO Prasrtteusl Badlo Bxpartaata* With me you not only get the theory of Radio yo u also get practical Radio expe- rience while learning. Too can build over 100 circuits — build and eaperuneut wiib the oircuila used In At water- Kent, Majes- tic; Croaley, Eveready, Slew art- Warner, Pbilco, and many other seta. These eiperi- 1 ' include A. C. and screen arid sets, pull amplification and other late urea. When you Lniah my course you 1 won't need to take "any old job*' just to get experience — job will be trained and ei Hold your job until you are ready for another. No need, to leave borne. All I ask la part of your snare time. I have doubled and tripled the nalurica of hundreds through my practical home-study training. You don't have to be a hi^h school or college graduate. My course is wriiLcu In easy, aim pie terms that most anyuoo con understand. Mr Cassis a tmalmMm TaHUauj Kavlaa, Wire* RaaUo, Tele-vlaleas « My course La up-lo-dale with Radio's latest uses and improvements. It Inriudes Radio's application to Talking Movies, Television and home Television experiments. Wired Radio, Radio's use in A via Lion, in addition to filling you for many other lines. Msatf Back If Not fbrtffofM I wQl agree in writing to refund every penny of your tuition If you are not aatlauerl who my Lemon Tests and Instruction Service, when yon have finished my coarse. Thai ajrrenment at backed by the Fa nans and World's Largest organisation devoted entire* ly to training men and young men by 91*3, for good Joba in the Radio industry. Vtoal ost what ftodlo ataaam yotj OetMyBaah This book gives the facta on Radio a oppor- tunities and the many features and aerviosa of NJLI. training. It gives 100 letters from students who have proved that my nseibodg are successful. Get your copy today. Than* is no "bligit"n. J. E. BaOTB. Prtiidenl National Radio Institute, Dept OUf Washington. D. C push lea tun THIS (Ull'ON ISCOOO IllH DM f Uf f (Ol'S (II st> NEW U O O K _ prrieriaed ready to lake your place along- side men who have been in the field for years. J. E. Bam. Prsiuaaef, National Radio I rani tote. Dept. OlM Wasrunaton, D. C Dear Mn. Surra:— I I want to aee what Radio offers and what you offer in Radio training. Thai request duos not obligate me lo any Ltfclimcftn/ilpi/irn-Jit Sen ice to all (ji'iHliKiks frame. , , , Addrru. , Ciiy. . Please mention Newsstand Group— Men's List, when answering advcrtisem to tottqda fry, ■ m mJrina a>«nb>ratil« °^ *- -— » ■ Tacaassal bokilr. BWad awaswJ wsw !•*© I Naait Crry . ^State- Twist the Throttle and the Roads are Yours RIDE away— over the Thrill Traill on your Harlcy-Davidson! When *• away? Out to the lake— fish strike hard in the Fall. Over to the marshes for some shooting. Or just out over the roadi for a lungful of keen Autumn air, and the thousand thrills of motorcycling, Greatest Sport on Wheels. All roads are yours when you open up the amazing power and speed of a Harley Davidson. You don't need concrete high- ways — let the auto parades have them, while you whirl away over the roads and trails that wind through Sportland. Have you seen the 1931 Harley-David* sons? A dealer near you wants to show them to you — and tell you about hit easy Pay-As- You-Ride Plan. Drop in on him today. Send the Coupon to us for free literature. THE 1931 MODELS ARE OUT — new Tuini, Single, and Side- car*. Many big improvement! — better look* dn oicr S;o0 la " H monthv" Then rnd thli Irem Ctrl ion 11 rtro, Filapairlc*. \\". Va : "Vour Course and Si-rvlco can't be I»tit. Th-y'ro mix. urulrritar.rl.ible and full of h.-!p. IlaTo lir"jim fi-ry popular a.nr« U-arn* In*. line plajnl at opera lioun** and liarilci— all told lnvo made SI. 000 Uuouttit your wonderful Comic" Learn to Play the Real Hawaiian Way-Qufclc- Rlght at Home In Only l»3Months'SpareTlmo No prerlouj mujeal training tucroary ; no loiuc llrctomo tioura of prjciblru. Tho New Turk Aradtmy of Mu.lr'i amirlrur Hawaiian Guitar fuu'no can leach jou rlflbt ait bom*. In 1 to 3 months' ipaie-tlme. to play thli tlch. mrliKMoui. romantic Iwtru- mrrd. Krcry itrp ii nude clear and «?y; prcercu li rai famoui Natlto Hawaiian, correctly plaja each plero In the Cuurte. No effort la apa/od— no none loft unturned — to b«lr> TOU become an oiptwt and mpllaoad plajer ajaftk. Bnadsrtliif Bla- tlcn tho counirv orer axo euer for Hawaiian Guitar- lata. Tha puhlio Here Ii Uia revealing Hook that hi lluujanJi or otln'ia tho «ay lo nabs seed vtl'lt ttie ll4>allan Guitar. The book Ihit hai r.n-jn; liur.drrdi and hundrr/Ji of dol- lar* — and doMm and d^i*ni of ru-w friends — fjr p4-.>:ilc nlio »ero rleht In your ahotl JuiL a It* monlhi oeu. VcL you an wcl- (a a to:rvy of fun. fri.-r ^ ar.l t:\tlLA MONKV. Ii c.-Lk i-.'i nj-Mnrf t.) Ond out Tho ill*' L.'.-.H r\;.U:r.: t • iryUtlag, CTeryblnj. Tlio n> ::>jrv ba- ]ow brlru:t your FHLJ copy. Mail It tadayl Big Money for You Full Tuat or SDare-Thae Our it ij Jen ta learn lo ojA* lo quick. l'Uyl.-ui In I'lthor an amateur or prjfeitlonal way, many miku anjwhero Iron 115 ertrj t:.. ru-y m Hud fotl-tline pjy cufi w.tsek. Wo ahew y«u rut m urn pit Al- tera Into pratrt— turn rondo ttotaa into hank ru/.rjT Our FHEE I look eaplalna orory Ma«. Q*t U tt Mawl F. Black. PmJdaaH. KawaJlan Stidioa 91100 of NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 100 Fifth Av%, No* York City. Dear Mr. Bloch: Pleat* lend mo at